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Inclusion & Diversity in the Outdoors

Now more than ever, we are aware we have work to do. Since our beginning, Topo Designs has always strived towards inclusion and diversity within the outdoor industry. It’s part of our brand mission and company fabric. We know we can do more, learn more and continue to improve. We’re providing a space to update our community as we learn and progress.

Below is an update to our ongoing Black Lives Matter and anti-racism efforts.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a movement, not a moment, and we are in it for the long haul. Read below to hear the latest on our anti-racism efforts. This list is not the beginning or the end. We will keep it updated as our journey continues.

Our Commitment to Learning

The work starts internally, so we are investing our time and money into transforming ourselves as individuals and as a company. We have partnered with Camber Outdoors and are following their Learn - Act - Change model, beginning with our co-founders working through all six titles on diversity in the workplace that Camber recommends. Our co-founders are also sharing with employees other anti-racism resources they have found helpful, and employees receive additional resources directly from Camber as well.

It is just the start to the ongoing work of becoming a safe and inclusive team.

Our Commitment to Action

On a national level, we are making donations to NAACP Legal Defense Fund to support their work in bringing about structural reform of our justice system. On a local level, we are making donations to the Colorado Black Health Collaborative in light of the disproportionate impact the pandemic is having on Black communities.

Additionally, we are matching all employee donations to these organizations through the end of the year.

These donations come as a continuation of the work we have done to date. As Platinum sponsors of Outwild (an event series for people who want to create outdoor lifestyles), we have donated a combination of gear and cash sponsorships for BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and low-income individuals. We have also donated gear to organizations like Big City Mountaineers, Women’s Wilderness, Paradox Sports, and to the many BIPOC and LGBTQ+ individuals who have reached out for gear sponsorship to pursue their outdoor life.

We know we can do more, and we are looking forward to expanding our work with these groups in the future.

Our Commitment to Change

Our work has only just started. Our human resources and marketing teams have several projects in the works that we are looking forward to sharing with you soon. Please stay tuned.

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